Excursions 1
Dates in the description of the WS
Online Clown Training. In English. For people with previous clowning experience

Horario y ubicación
Dates in the description of the WS
Acerca del evento
If you want to book your place for this WS, please fill in this Form:
Te next Excursions 1 Group will start in September:
Mondays 13, 20, 27 / September and 4th / October.
From 6.30pm to 9.30 pm (Central Europe Time)
The pandemic put me in search of new ways to do what I love.
I didn't want a substitute. I wanted something new, that could take at least some of the goodness of these pandemic times and, at the same time, make them more livable.
"Excursions" is just that: the way with which I am happy in these times, of accompanying clowns in their paths and processes. While we wait for the doors to open to meet again, touch and embrace each other.
The bridge is possible. And it is hopeful and beautiful to confirm it.
"Onlineity" also has two advantages that, to me, are precious:
1) Although I traveled a lot, I never lived workshops with SUCH diversity of nationalities, cultures, idoms, roots .... This diversity is clearly a gain. In the lasts Excursions there were clowns from: Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Italy, Austria, USA, France, Finland, Scotland ...
2) The participants are at home, with all their daily environment at hand (clothes, pets, familiar spaces, fridges, armchairs, kitchens, balconies, objects, books, instruments, etc ...) This is also a marvel that is worth to be immersed in.
The format is weekly. And each cycle lasts 4 meetings.
That is: 4 weeks = 4 meetings, 1 time per week, of 3 hours each meeting (in fact, it is always a little more).
So: in between 12 and 14 hours in total.
The workshop is addressed to people with previous experience in clowning (a brief detail is requested in the registration form).
It is held in ENGLISH language. Therefore, participants need to have a level of English that allows them to understand the class fluently and interact with their peers.
The maximum number of participants is only 8.
The proposal is to deepen in the development / perception of the participating clowns: their universes, their characteristics, their energies, their ways, their nuances, their strengths, their weaknesses, their poetics, their interests. To discover a little more about the structure that supports the "personality" of each clown, so that it can be sustained and expanded with the least possible degree of tension or force.
And to strengthen some concepts and basic rules of the clown technique such as:
.Listening and being in contact with the audience.
.Being here and now
.Noticing the internal impulses (sensations, emotions, memories, ideas ...)
Receiving the external impulses (the gaze of others, music, sounds, clothing, objects, space ...)
.Developing each clown's unique way of translating these stimuli into action (movement, sound, gesture, play creation).
This work is done through basic and simple instructions for each meeting, which are the starting point for individual improvisations. The exercises are mostly individual, but there is a huge groupal exchange and connection, during the feed-back moment in the sessions, and also during the week (mostly via Whatsapp).
The feedback about each person's work is done through a final conversation among all, but also in a special way, created for this workshop. We also work (totally adapted to the possibilities of each participant) with an audiovisual "homework" task (which can be done with a smartphone or a camera that records - no prior knowledge of video editing is required-).
And everything produced in the workshop is documented and archived available to all the students (only for their strictly personal use) in a OneDrive folder.
Although the Zoom platform allows access via pc or phone, pc is always preferable, although it is not exclusive.
It does not require a large space to work, but enough space to move the body with some comfort.
It is better if you can have that space alone (for your peace of mind and also for the peace of mind of the other participants).
A good, stable internet connection is required.